Features Journalism

Features Journalism

This award is for the best features journalist of the year. It rewards excellent journalism on a matter of public interest which could be descriptive or of a human interest nature and shows evidence of fine writing. This category is not intended for investigations or comment. The judges are looking for work which shows journalistic skill and rigour, is revelatory and which serves the public interest.

For print/online entries, please provide up to three examples of work. Broadcasters can submit up to three clips or one entire programme in support of their entry. A supporting statement of up 500 words must also be included. Collaborative entries are accepted. Work should have been published between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 and aimed at a UK audience. 



Sirin Kale 

— The Guardian

The judges said: “Sirin’s work is a masterclass in how to blend beautiful writing with meticulous research to ensure she delivers an absolute must-read piece of journalism.”

Mick Brown

– The Telegraph


The judges said: “This work was shocking, insightful and full of fascinating details. It showed true journalistic skills in breaking down the reluctance of people to talk.”

David Jones

Daily Mail

The judges said Jones’ work was “wonderfully evocative” and that he “makes powerful points while writing with humour”.

David Jones of the Daily Mail picks up the Features Journalism prize at the British Journalism Awards 2022 from John Mair and Jeremy Vine. Picture: ASV Photography Ltd for Press Gazette

Cara McGoogan, Sarah Peters and Theodora Louloudis

The Telegraph

The judges said the winning work “was explosive. Their sure-footed and sensitive reporting of this shameful episode was first class”.

Telegraph team pictured at British Journalism Awards with Jeremy Vine and John Mair

Sophie Elmhirst

The Guardian

‘Intimate terrorism’: how an abusive relationship led a young woman to kill her partner

Tampon wars: the battle to overthrow the Tampax empire

‘You have to take action’: one hospital cleaner’s journey through the pandemic

The judges said: “Sophie has huge literary talent and gets inside stories incredibly well. Three pieces gave a completely new perspective on their subjects. These were moving, sometimes harrowing accounts of people usually overlooked.”

Simon Hattenstone and Daniel Lavelle

Guardian News & Media

The homeless death of Aimee Teese: ‘I didn’t think it would come to this at 30’

The homeless death of Jake Humm: ‘It was my deepest, darkest fear’

The homeless death of Kane Walker: how we let down the kid from careThe empty doorway

Judges said: “These were clear, concise, well-told stories exposing an issue of huge public interest. These was gripping accounts of the deaths of homeless people which created a beautiful series of articles.”