Local Journalism

Local Journalism

This category is for the best journalism at a local and regional level. It is open to local newspapers, websites and broadcast outlets. Those working for news outlets aimed at a national audience cannot enter this category. Journalists can enter this category as individuals or teams. They may want to highlight one particular project, investigation, campaign or a linked series of news stories. The judges are looking for work which has done the most to bring new information to light on a matter of public interest and for journalism which has made a difference for the better at a local level.

For print/online entries, please provide up to three examples of work. Broadcasters can submit up to three clips or one entire programme in support of their entry. A supporting statement of up 500 words must also be included. Collaborative entries are accepted. Work should have been published between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 and aimed at a UK audience. 


Sam McBride 

— Belfast Telegraph

The judges said: “Sam is a proper journalistic pain in the arse for those in power. Strong, compelling stories, meticulously researched and told with flair and authority.”

Chris Burn

– The Yorkshire Post

The judges said: “The sheer scale of this story is extraordinary. This reporter showed huge tenacity to lift a veil of misinformation, misrepresentation and downright dishonesty.

Jeanette Oldham


The judges said: “This was real foot-in-the door journalism, involving detailed research and then fearless confrontations to shine a light into dark corners of a local community.”

Reach editor-in-chief Lloyd Embley picks up the Local Journalism award for Jeannette Oldham of BirminghamLive from Press Gazette UK editor Charlotte Tobitt at the British Journalism Awards 2022. Picture: ASV Photography Ltd for Press Gazette

Ria Chatterjee

ITV News London

The judges said Chatterjee is a “ferocious interviewer who provides in-depth coverage of important issues”.

British Journalism Award winner Ria Chatterjee pictured with Ollie Egbeyemi, Managing Director, Vox Network Consultants, part of the Pertemps Network Group

Jonathan Gibson

Inside Out West Midlands, BBC Birmingham

Coronavirus: Sex workers meet clients despite lockdown

Drive Thru Pollution

Red Diesel Fraud

The judges said: “This was tenacious local journalism that exposed a huge scandal at some personal risk. We think there’s a lesson here about what might happen if this kind of reporting is too expensive even for the corporation. The democratic deficit in local areas when these things disappear will be extremely worrying.”

Adam Cantwell-Corn, Matt Woodman, Will Franklin and Alon Aviram

The Bristol Cable

The ice cream slavery case

Judges said: “A compelling and impressive investigation which got results. The Bristol Cable’s reporting team stuck to this story with grit and determination.”