Specialist Journalism

Specialist Journalism

This category is aimed at specialist and trade publications. Specialist journalists working in other media can enter if they are not covered by one of the other categories. The judges are looking for work which shows journalistic skill and rigour, is revelatory and which serves the public interest.

For print/online entries, please provide up to three examples of work. Broadcasters can submit up to three clips or one entire programme in support of their entry. A supporting statement of up 500 words must also be included. Collaborative entries are accepted. Work should have been published between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 and aimed at a UK audience. 

Emily Townsend 

— Health Service Journal

The judges said: “A great range of stories tackling tough subjects, all well researched and genuinely impactful.”

Peter Blackburn and Ben Ireland

– The Doctor magazine/British Medical Association

The judges said: “These were meaty investigations with a great blend of data and powerful personal stories. They pull few punches but always keep focus on sustaining a strong narrative.”

John Burn-Murdoch

Financial Times

The judges said Burn-Murdoch’s stories “show how you can use to data to provide fresh insight and news lines,” describing him as a “great communicator who creates powerful narratives”.

John Burn-Murdoch of the Financial Times picks up the Specialist Journalism prize at the British Journalism Awards 2022. Picture: ASV Photography Ltd for Press Gazette

Paul Thacker


The judges said: “This was expertly researched and written journalism on a subject of huge national importance.”

Jeremy Vine and awards judge Janet Kersnar, executive editor of the Business of Fashion, present the Specialist Journalism award at the British Journalism Awards 2021 to a colleague of Paul Thacker at the BMJ

Lawrence Dunhill

Health Service Journal

Exclusive: Critical care unit overwhelmed by coronavirus patients

Exclusive: Intensive care staffing ratios dramatically diluted

Revealed: Three regions overtake London on ‘excess’ deaths

The judges said: “This was agenda-setting journalism and one of the most critical stories of the year as we were going into lockdown in the UK. It showed the huge value of journalists who have a specialist beat in these areas. This was a story which had a massive impact and played a crucial role informing the national debate.”

John Dickens

Schools Week

Exposed: Agnew’s £35m school waste claims

Judges said: “This was well written and used data intelligently to explain and augment the stories. This was journalism which had a strong narrative and a significant impact on the political agenda.”